
A person with an exoskeleton lifts a flat box from a pallet in a warehouse environment; Copyright: Adobe Express

Exoskeletons: innovative helpers in retail logistics


Retail logistics employees move thousands of tons every day – they lift heavy loads, carry parcels and stack goods. New technologies provide relief for these tasks. One of these innovations is the exoskeleton.
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A blue four-legged robot stands in a warehouse; Copyright: Otto Group

Warehouse robotics: transforming retail logistics


Artificial intelligence and robotics can increasingly be found in the warehouse of a large retailer. Automated systems are optimising logistics processes and helping retailers to combat labour shortages.
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Four different fuel taps at a filling station; Copyright: lucigerma/Envato

Biofuels for sustainable retail logistics


Leading retailers such as Walmart, Tesco, EDEKA and SPAR are under pressure to make their transport methods more environmentally friendly. They are therefore trialling alternative drive methods such as biofuels.
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A big orange robotic arm carrying a container in a huge warehouse; Copyright: Walmart

Walmart Canada’s supply chain gets a high-tech makeover


Walmart Canada is making investments in the modernization of its distribution centres: the goal is to transform the supply chain with robotics and automation.
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A smiling person sitting in a food delivery vehicle; Copyright: SPAR South Africa

SPAR South Africa redefines local shopping through partnerships


SPAR South Africa is forming partnerships with local providers to power its SPAR2U delivery service in under-served areas (townships) across the country.
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A self-driving robot (example image for a CaPow robot); Copyright: JulieStar / Envato Elements

Perpetual power delivery solution for mobile robots


In an expansion outside of Europe, the first-ever perpetual power delivery platform revolutionizes warehousing operations by supplying a non-stop power flow to robotic solutions while in motion, enabling 100% operational uptime
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Wing Drone Carrying Walmart Delivery; Copyright: Walmart

Walmart and Wing provide drone delivery


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A ship full of Maersk containers; Copyright: Bestseller

Bestseller joins a pioneering voyage


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A self-driving robot on a the sidewalk in front of a lawn; Copyright: Bill Nino/Unsplash

Supply chain adoption of mobile robots will far outpace drones


Smart mobile robot adoption in supply chains is growing rapidly and will far outpace drones over the next three years, according to Gartner, Inc.
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A drone carries a package through the air against a blue sky; Copyright: Auterion

Drone delivery: When a parcel gets its wings


So-called digital twins are designed to enable decision-makers and employees in companies to run through scenarios and thus make better decisions.
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A woman stands at an e-pump and pays with a card; Copyright: ccv

Easy charging – quick payment


2023 is the year in which the new charging station regulation comes into force. The aim of this regulation is to make it easier for drivers to charge their electric vehicles in the future. Then all newly installed public charging stations will have to accept debit and credit cards.
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black dressed female gorilla rider with backpack and helmet riding a bicycle; copyright: Gorillas

Groceries in Ten Minutes – A Review of Delivery Services


“Supermarkets hate us” (German: Supermärkte hassen diesen Trick) – that’s the advertising slogan of the Berlin-based startup Gorillas. Founded in May 2020, the bike delivery service – along with providers like Flink and getir
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Trucks stand on the exhibition grounds and will be unloaded.; copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/c.tillmann

Logistics department of Messe Düsseldorf


Installation, event management, dismantling – three concepts that mean organization before, during and after a trade fair.
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ENGEL stand at the K trade fair; copyright: ENGEL

Factory at the exhibition center: Like the olympics, preparation started years ago


Presenting products at an international trade fair like the K or EuroShop can be a logistical and organizational challenge for some exhibitors. Take the Austrian company ENGEL for example, which arrived at K 2019, the world’s premier trade fair for the plastics and rubber industry with injection molding machines weighing several hundred tons.
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